Through the week a word kept popping into our world...SET. First I guess our badges, and our service, and our missions adventures are a constant reminder we have been "set apart" as missionaries to serve the Lord here in New Zealand. The words on the mission badge open the door for lots of conversation and discussion. We love to share our own little witness and testimony. web photo Get "set"... In races (and life) you make preparations, you get ready. Then you get "set", you position yourself so when the time is right you can move forward and "go". Getting "set"... We have spent much of the last week getting things all "set" and ready to go for our new semester this coming next week. In doing so we have had more than a few folks just passing by the building stopping in to see what we are about. We had a great conversation with Carlos (Spanish and Italian background but lives now in NZ) whose daug