On the Lookout
web archive photo Seems we are always “on the lookout” for something -whether if something we’ve lost, something we don’t want to miss, things we want to find (like a good bargain), or even on the lookout for danger. “On the lookout” was originally a nautical term used for “on duty being watchful“ looking out for other ships, land, or dangers. . A watchtower in the Holy Land web photo It meant to be vigilant and alert. The sailor in the "crows nest", parents, teachers, great leaders, and each of us in one capacity or another have to be on watch...be “on the lookout”. A photo after Bro. Moses Armstrong spoke to us at our Leadership Lunchside Thursday We are always "on the lookout" for our YSA, counting noses and looking out for them. We take pictures to figure out who's missing. Sometimes we find one of them AWOL for a week or two and then we have to go to work. Its not unusual, though most of their financial means isn't much