
Showing posts from February, 2018


  Same old us, same companionship, same place, same calling.  There are heaps of quotes on the value of being different, about the collective good of the many great kinds of differences.  But, sometimes "same" is good too (we really like having the same companion). Sometimes "same" lets us continue on the same course, be steady in what's familiar.  There can be value in the routine and repetition if it helps us remember to do good things and makes us stronger and better.    Every morning as we travel to downtown Auckland we pass heaps of young people dressed the "same" their school uniforms.  Each school's uniform is distinct to their school but all the kids wear ONLY the school uniform.  You can apply to be enrolled at the school of your choice here ( unless the school had reached enrollment capacity, then if you live in the "home zone" you get priority).   Many are considered boarding schools.  Westlake s


"Waka" in Maori means canoe and "Ama" is the outrigger of a canoe.   T his past week Takapuna Beach hosted New Zealand's premier longest Waka Ama races, the 2018 Takapuna Beach Cup Waka Ama Outrigger and Paddle Race .    It attracts both NZ and International competitors.  We finished our Saturday morning walk just as some of the teams began lining up for the 42 KM race around Rangitoto Island. Facebook Takapuna Beach Cup  Water seems to figure into just about everything here in New Zealand. Living just a stones throw from the ocean, and rivers, and more waterfalls than we’ve ever seen, we are enamored by the beauty, the mystery, and the great power of water .     We are trying to learn more about the waves, the tides, tsunamis, torrential rains and tropical storms; and even a little about fishing and sailing.  We are also living in a spot where rain and humidity are off the charts sometimes, so it’s natural to find yourself thinking a bit ab